Backpacking vs. Car Camping
Camping continues tobe a popular activity in America. It’s a great way to explore the greatoutdoors. There are different types and levels to camping, and each requires adifferent approach in order to be successful. Two of the more common types are backpacking and car camping. Backpacking typically involves traveling by footto a remote location. Car camping is more domesticated, as campers stay closeto vehicles and more abundant supplies.
Similaritiesbetween backpacking and car camping. Backpacking andcar camping share some commonality, the biggest being the desire to beoutdoors. Camping remains popular for vacations. Another similarity is thatboth require certain types of equipment. Some of that equipment can be used forboth types of camping, depending on the environment. A final similarity betweenthe two types is that both require a level of planning. Even though car campingmay be done with easy access to the storage space of a vehicle, campers stillneed to deal with reservations, timetables, menu and checklists. Backpackers need to plan their hikes and routes.
Differencesbetween the two. Perhaps the biggest difference between backpacking and carcamping is rigor; backpacking can bevery strenuous compared with car camping, which can be relatively sedate.Another difference between the two is type of equipment. While some equipment can cross over, backpacking oftenputs limits on amounts, sizes and environmental durability of equipment,whereas with car camping, all the supplies can be stored in your vehicle.Finally, backpacking may require a levelof skill, understanding and experience that is not required for carcamping. Mistakes made while backpacking may be more dangerous than those madein a group campsite. Hikers need to be aware of aspects such as clean water,animals and poisonous plants, as well as have the ability to follow trails.
In terms of comfort, tenting can’t hold a candle to RV camping, considering you may be holding a candle just to have a light source inyour tent. RVing means real beds, indoor kitchen and dining room, electricity,private shower with hot water and most important of all, flush toilets.
While tenting mayhave you feeling closer to nature, you may be wishing you had an RV while trying to fall sleep with nothing but a sleeping bag between you and the cold,hard ground.
Personaltaste and style. Ultimately, campers must decide what style of camping fitstheir particular needs and wants. The general idea is for campers to enjoy the experience. For some, this consists of backpacking far into the wilderness andtruly getting away from it all. Others would rather stay close to their standard amenities and minimize effort.
RVcamping or Tent camping? Itreally depends on what the majority style of camping your gonna do